Business & Leisure

Many of our customers are travelling to places other than Germany. Often we get calls saying “you did a good job for my trip to Germany, can you book other travel?”

The answer is “Yes, we can”

What these customers are looking for in a travel provider is someone who understands their needs, can communicate with them clearly and easily and come up with the right solution for their request.

We are a member of the Executive Travel Group of travel companies. Exectutive Travel Limited is New Zealand based and operates as a separate, autonomous limited liablilty company under the ownership of Flight Centre NZ. Flight Centre is the largest Australasian Travel Company encompassing all facets of your travel requirements.

These extended relationships with Flight Centre Global allow us to provide the best support network, buying power and the latest technology to our clients and partners.

What this means for you is that you benefit from the purchasing power of this group as well as the benefits of our access to the technology and systems available. At the same time, you get to deal with a privately owned small NZ business with passionate working owners who know that our job is to ensure that our clients travel experience is the best it can be.

Dealing with us enables you to leverage on our 29 years of knowledge and experience in the trade fair / travel business.

To ensure you get the best advice and recommendations for your visit to a trade fair, please contact us.